Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dear Santa.......

Yesterday i had the splendid opportunity to take my kids to see Santa at the mall. We had such a fun time playing, eating and visiting with the jolly man. Well Keagan had fun, Ella was trying to crawl up my legs and run away the entire time. She keeps telling everyone she is afraid of Santa. Keagan however, ran and buried his sweet little face into santa's beard gave him a big hug and a kiss and them continued to rub his face the whole time he talked to him. He tells Santa he would like bugbot and a dude for christmas (a dude is a soda in a glass bottle) so yes my son asked for a pop for christmas, i think i will always remember the year Keagan asked for a pop. He kindly remembered to request presents for fraidy cat Ella also, stating that she would like glass slippers, anyone seen these let me know, and a beautiful princess dress. He keeps telling everyone that Santa told him he WAS a good therefore this must be true (ask me again by the end of the day how true i believe it to be).

1 comment:

  1. Uh, Sal, when did you start a blog?? I didn't realize you had one! Wahoo! You're kids are getting so big. They are so cute.
