Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Oh so very busy!

Oh my gosh i have so much to say and just a few minutes to say it. I am sleepy and i have horrible kink in my neck which i am thinking is going to require a long soakin in the tub......I am going to miss my Tub o when we move.

YES...we are finally moving back where i come from (anyone humming the tune?) Luke and i went to Rock Springs to buy a house. Wish we could pick up the market here and move it there sob sob. But we did find a house that we both agreed on. Jen, we are going to be neighbors. We are going to have a new house built on Via Assisi (Luke hates the name of our street). The house should be finished around the end of April so that means we will only have to have temporary housing for a few weeks, and Halliburton is footing the bill....that doesn't suck. Keagan is a little confused about what is going to happen. While we were in RS i took him to CDC to show him his new school and he got to meet his new OT....we are gonna miss our therapists here though.....him more than me i suppose. He seemed to like the new school tho' i hope that this goes smoothly hopefully i get the camera so i can take pics of him at therapy before we move. For those of you who don't know my little boy has kind of a hard time with changes....when i decided to paint my wall red in my living
room he sobbed sobed sobobed for days poor little kido. So, i am doing my best to try and prepare him. Pray for me.

Keagan started Karate today, so flippin funny. We are glad that Rach put Landon in too so K and Landon are learnin karate together. Tomorrow is school and PT/OT so it's my crazy day i am usually running around trying to get Keagan to and fro on time (i am late to everything!) Also i a hopin that Amus and Chey are going to show their happy lil faces tomorrow night.....we can't wait wait for them to come. We tell you all about it!

Miss priss is exactly that, she is trouble and a terrible two...can't wait for the fits to subside a little. however she is sleeping like a little angel now! I love my babies.