Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas clothes and going to church

Here are the pics of my kiddos in their church clothes. Thank you thank you Amy, the most talented person i know for sewing this beautiful dress. I am so pleased that Amy is able to sew cute dresses for my miss to go to church. I got Keagan dressed in his church clothes (which he hates). So then off to church we went. Keagan spent the entire sacrament with his head buried in my coat, hating the music, but miss Ella stood on her chair and directed music and sang at the top of her lungs.

Friday, December 19, 2008

school time fun

Yesterday was Keagan's christmas party at school. Ella and i went for the last hour of the school day and we had such a wonderful time. Ella can't wait until she gets to go to school. She walked right in and hung up her coat in Keagans cubby and then went and sat next to Keagan on the ABC rug for circle time. She is so stinkin cute. I proud of both of my kiddo's and can't believe how well Keagan is adjusted to his new school already. He has made friend with his table mates Brianna and Caprise (he calls her Ka Freeze). Caprise actually goes to Therapy at the same time as Keagan at the hospital so we get to see her twice on Thursdays...they are becoming fast friends, as they both have sensory problems.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dear Santa.......

Yesterday i had the splendid opportunity to take my kids to see Santa at the mall. We had such a fun time playing, eating and visiting with the jolly man. Well Keagan had fun, Ella was trying to crawl up my legs and run away the entire time. She keeps telling everyone she is afraid of Santa. Keagan however, ran and buried his sweet little face into santa's beard gave him a big hug and a kiss and them continued to rub his face the whole time he talked to him. He tells Santa he would like bugbot and a dude for christmas (a dude is a soda in a glass bottle) so yes my son asked for a pop for christmas, i think i will always remember the year Keagan asked for a pop. He kindly remembered to request presents for fraidy cat Ella also, stating that she would like glass slippers, anyone seen these let me know, and a beautiful princess dress. He keeps telling everyone that Santa told him he WAS a good therefore this must be true (ask me again by the end of the day how true i believe it to be).

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Brrrr it's cold outside

Keagan was thrilled to wake up last thursday to our first snow.....he had been asking when he could build a snowman, he thought at last now is my chance. I promised him that we could when he got home school. So while he was at school Ella and i went to target and bought all of our snow gear to surprise Keags when we picked him up. Surprise!!!!!! He was stoked but patiently waited while i fed them both and put Ells down for a nap and then Keagan and i went out and has some snow time fun. I pulled him all about the neighborhood on a sled, we tried sledding but it wasn't really slick snow so we just bogged down, and you couldn't make a snowball for anything. However we still has such a great time' s not often enough that Keagan and i get to spend time just he and i and i cherish every moment!

Then again on Tuesday (another school day) It snowed, again not good snow for a snowman, but it made for a pretty picture out of our back door first thing in the morning......i love it when it's all frozen outside makes me feel in the spirit (of christmas). The roads were really slick though and Keagan was late again to school, at this point i am o for 2 oops. My goal this Thursday was to be on time guess what? I was!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I am a sucka

Okay so i am going to join the world of is so much fun to read everyone else's and so i thought why deprive the world of reading mine.

Here are new pics of my children. Keagan is 4 years old already, i can't believe how quickly it has gone. Ells is 2 and if you looked up terrible two in the dictionary there would be a photo of my baby, it seems like she is forever throwing herself on the floor in some kind of sympathy (and patience) is waining.